FaxBack’s cloud-based fax network and fax solutions for the Healthcare Industry are HIPAA compliant and we offer documented statements of our HIPAA Compliance Attestation. We take it farther than the general HIPAA conduit exception, as that is not sufficient protection for cloud-connected fax solutions. We are a business associate under HIPAA.
Fax is an important communication method for the healthcare industry, so keeping PHI secure is a requirement that we take seriously. With multiple fax solution options from cloud fax telephony, premise fax solutions, cloud hosting and HTTPS based fax machine integration, NativeFAX can offer you the right and documented compliant secure solution.
Reliable Faxing and Reducing Exposure
Delivering reliable faxes over cloud-based HTTPS and VoIP connections requires extensive real-time monitoring and diagnostics on fax transmissions. FaxBack has built its network and monitoring services to reduce PHI exposure by eliminating data in real-time from its diagnostic tools.
Compliance Attestation
We provide our healthcare provider customers, and any other businesses handling PHI, a signed business associate agreement. Contact us to obtain one.